Being blessed and fortunate with some monetary means is a good thing, but being surrounded by positive, influential people is as equally important when considering a business start up. Having good, experienced people to call on for advice is priceless, so for those whose knowledge I shall leverage over the coming months, thanks in advance! :)
On top of wanting to kick start a small business, I want to involve myself more so in the broader Okinawan/Japanese martial arts communities. It has been a considerable time since I have felt compelled to go out and train with knowledgeable people. Last year was a wonderful start, and this coming year promises to bring more openness and sharing!
All of this is wonderful stuff, but Cathy and I are also planning trips abroad. We hope to go and see places together that we have not seen before (and maybe one or two places we have seen but would like to see again). Seeing things beyond your immediate surroundings is essential for cognitive growth and appreciation for what you have! (Note: When I travel, I try to avoid as many of the touristy spots as possible; I am much more interested in seeing how people in different regions of the world actually live. I recommend this to everyone who wants to travel--get outside your comfort zone.)
Now, I realize that Cathy and I are blessed to be able to travel and do things many cannot. With that, I would say even if you feel trapped in your own neighborhood, try escaping it in order to see what lies beyond. America is the grandest of countries, with a landscape unsurpassed by any other nation, and a cultural diversity that is wholly and completely unparalleled.
I have written extensively about various areas around our grand country that I love and adore. Feel free to reach out with questions about a specific region and I'll give you my most honest answer, should you feel the need to travel there.
Back to 2017: I am planning to have at least two non-fiction book projects completed and published, and a third close behind. In addition to these three print projects, I am working on a Bill Evers e-book--a prequel of sorts to the first two. With these works completed, I will work with and schedule meet/greet book signings for those wanting to purchase books, and for whatever reason, have them signed by the author.

With all this stuff packed into a mere 365 days, I also plan on spending as much time as possible with family and friends. Ultimately, this is the most important aspect in life and living.
Peace and love to you all!
Peace and love to you all!