A couple months ago, I posted a video detailing how I lost a thumb drive with several manuscripts begun and tabled, then restarted at various intervals over the last couple of years. One project in particular was a non-fiction work featuring individual stories of struggles and triumphs; I hate that I lost that one most especially. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind, I hold out hope I'll find that little drive and rejuvenate those lost works.
Included in that menagerie of works were a few Bill Evers manuscripts also at varying levels of non-completion. So embarrassed and disheartened had I become over losing the jump drive, I refused to sit and begin anew. Yes, I quit--I walked away.
Bill Evers, however, was having none of my self-pity. He would appear to me in dreams, both sleeping and awake. One such story, tentatively title Infirmus, kept coming back to me. In a peculiar way, it was good that I lost the beginning of that work, some 12,000 words long, because the newest "version," the one Evers continues to push me to write is better. I write that, not in my opinion, but as someone who loves action/adventure/paranormal/conspiracy theory books.
As with my previous novels, Of Blood and Stone and Occam's Razor, new(ish) technology is interwoven in the storyline. I am often reminded of a quote by the famous Kurt Vonnegut when he said, "I think that novels that leave out technology misrepresent life as badly as Victorians misrepresented life by leaving out sex."
I have been of a similar opinion as the meticulously verbose Mr. Vonnegut, although I could never possibly have articulated this thought in such a gloriously abbreviated way. In fact, I do believe that modern technology will eventually lend itself to a significant decline in morality, which will also lead humanity down a path of certain and inevitable destruction. It is, after all, the way of man; we build, we conquer, we destroy, and we are eventually destroyed.
That's a rosy picture I've painted, yes? In the meantime, prior to the end of our wonderful existence, we can immerse ourselves in books, or as my friend Gary often says, "suspend your disbelief." In actuality, much work written by those who engage in such fiction often find their imagination steeped in reality. Sometimes I wonder if remote viewing is a thing. Not sure what that is? Look it up--mind bending stuff (for real) that our government is also fascinated by.
I will keep folks up to date with the newest (renewed) work of fiction both here and on my Facebook author's page. Click HERE if you would like to follow; I would love to have you along for the ride.
Lastly, Faithful Reader, I hope you each have an excellent, healthy, fun-filled 2019 complete with books and things that help you grow in every facet of life!