Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Your Story: Tales of Love, Tragedy, Despair, and Healing

Within a short amount of time, my fourth book will be available. The writing path I have traveled has been a strange one, and one discouraged by those in the know. Authors are supposed to stick with one genre, become ever-more-proficient at their craft, honing their skills, and making available even better material with each published work. Writing across multiple genres, so I am told, confuses and discourages readers.

This is most likely true, but I have thrown caution to the wind and once again stepped outside my comfort zone (I have at least two more works planned that are not a part of the action/adventure genre that I so enjoy). Your Story is a compilation of real life events told by regular people like you and me. Their struggles, their tragedies, the despair and grief from things such as losing a spouse or child, dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder from war-time activities or working as a first responder, cancer, and so on are only overshadowed by their indomitable spirit makes them wake up each day to face new challenges.

Your Story began as a journal entry for me--a pity party of sorts after I lost my job to company downsizing four years ago. I was not public about the events, but I wallowed in my own self-loathing...until I read about a friend dealing with a much larger problem than losing a job. Her story shook me up and made pause long enough to pick myself up by my bootstraps and get back in the thick of things. Her story also motivated me to begin reaching out to others who might be willing to share their personal tales.

This book details the journey of a few people down life's unchartered and unknown byways. Each person shares intimate details of the tragedies they have faced and what they did (and continue to do) to live another day. I am proud that I was a part of this, and prouder of each of these individuals who courageously stuck their necks out there and exposed the softest flesh of their being.

Here is Your Story--and these people could be you, me, your neighbors, your family, your friends, or your co-workers. Do we ever really know what someone struggles with or faces on a routine basis? Be sure to grab a copy of this work very soon; you won't regret it.

Peace and love,


Social Media and Censorship

 If 2020 has taught us anything it is the power of popular opinion can sway most anyone into doing things and taking action when they should...