Sunday, February 19, 2012

the greatest wife...ever!

My wife recently celebrated her ten year anniversary with her company, and as a result was given a catalog to pick out a gift to be given to her in recognition for her service.  She "thumbed" through the electronic catalog for a while then asked if there was anything I would like. 

"Sweety, you have the biggest heart in the world and you are always getting and giving me stuff, but seriously, this is your award, your service to your company and you need to get yourself something," was my reply.

"I don't want anything," she said, "and don't need anything."

To juxtapose for a moment, I would like to say this is an extremely nice place to be in our lives.  That is, to not want or need much, except those basic necessities, and to struggle over what we would "like" to have, rather than to look at what we "need."

The conversation went back and forth between the two of us as we both insisted the other pick something to have and keep.

After a few minutes Cathy looked at me and said, "Here's a minature helmet signed by somebody named Bart Starr."

Me: "Is there a certificate of authenticity that comes with it?"

Her: "Yeah."

Me: "Get that helmet...I know you would love to have it."

Family first I always say.......


  1. Of the many reasons I love my brother...this is one of them. A Heart - mostly shown in a passion for life but so awesome when he gets out of himself and loves someone else...passionately I might add. Love Ya Bro

  2. Brother, I appreciate you reading my blog--but I wrote this five years ago. lol!

  3. If your blog is still relevant then so is my comment!!!


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