Sunday, December 16, 2012

Music-Medicine for the Stricken Soul

We are all moved by certain things in life: religion, sports, politics, hobbies, movies, television, and on-and-on the list goes.  No doubt that all of those things listed above (and many more) shape and mold us as humans and separate us from the animal kingdom.  It's also interesting to note every person on the planet is motivated and moved by different things and inspired to greatness or mediocrity by his/her environment and personality.  Truly, the things that drive and captivate us make up our invisible human fingerprint.

One thing, however, has proven to be the universal commonality amongst mankind throughout our evolution as an intelligent species: music.  No matter the genre, people are drawn to the rhythm, math, melodies and harmony made by talented musicians.  Genius is often exhibited in the stories told by blues singers, wisdom of the ages demonstrated in the classics, tears ripped from our eyes by the soulful sounds of church hymns. 

What is about music that speaks to us?  I prefer to think of it as food for my soul, nourishment for a hungry spirit.  Music has the uncanny ability to make me smile, laugh, cry, dance, scream and mourn.  Nothing else on Earth has the power to move an individual like a heaven-sent song, whether that song be sung or simply played. 

Do you pay attention to the "score," or background music, during a movie?  Whether you think you do or not, I can assure you your soul hears it.  Imagine a movie or television program without music!  How boring would that be?  How would a twelve hour car ride be with no radio?  No thanks. 

The most important thing music seems to offer is healing.  Native American chanting, Tibetan Buddhist chanting, peaceful Beetles tunes or the haunting sound of Amazing Grace will stir that inner self that we all struggle to understand and know. 

I hope this moves you to listen to more music..........


1 comment:

  1. My music allows me a format for emotional expression. I have learned to pour my soul into my harmonica. What I lack in skill, I make up in soul. When you hear my work, you have a glimpse of my heart.

    What you are describing is the artist REACHING you on some level. Now you know why we do it.


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