Friday, September 23, 2016

Just Stop and Breathe

This world is upside down.  People are hysterical over things that do and do not impact them personally.  With so much that truly threatens we Americans, our way of life, and our personal freedoms, why are we concerned with circumstances beyond our immediate control?

I'll tell you why--"news" stations that do not report news, but focus on ratings.  Ratings are driven by viewership, which is fueled, these days anyway, by emotion.  Guess what else feeds off emotion?  Social media!  When you see an event televised and posted on Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media, ask yourself what the intent of the "story" is, and what emotion it invokes in you.  If you are angered, the story has done its job and will take a life of its own, as tens of thousands of people will share it again and again.

Oftentimes, I see people post things like, "don't be a sheep," or "lead, rather than follow."  No one seems to understand what this means (most especially those posting it).  I guess the take-away from recent events is to "love one another."  Like my friend Garry Parker asked, "Where's the love?"  Right on, I say!

Here's another question you should ask yourself, "Am I my brother's keeper?" 

I suppose when everything is said and done, one simple emotion is all your really need.  The one you choose, however, is up to you.

As for me--man, I love all y'all. 

So go out into this big old nasty world today and make a positive difference.  I'll leave the how's and what's to you.  How and what you do to impact someone's life in a positive manner is the only emotional choice you should make.  We all have the power to destroy and maim, but we also have a greater power--to heal and love.

Make your choice. 

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