First, the recent election was not a moratorium on minorities in the United States. If you believe that to be the case, you are either a.) stupid (and that has nothing to do with your skin color, or b.) you've bought into the lies perpetuated by a media intent on ratings, rather than truth.

For a moment, can we all put on our big boy and girl panties and talk like adults? I work with a large, diverse team of folks on a daily basis. Everyone here loves one another, we get our job done, and we go home to our families. I suspect most of us are in the same boat.
So, this begs the question: Why are so many insistent upon racial politics and polarization? I'll tell you why--if they (the elite) can divide us, they can rule us (we plebes). If we shrug off the emotional nonsense and not get caught up in the deluge of racial injustice hyperbole, then we can certainly overcome them (the elite).
Don't get me wrong: I think there are factions, albeit small ones, that want nothing more than chaos and instability, but the vast majority of us (the plebes) just do our thing and go on about our business. Personally, I think we should give every media outlet in the world the collective middle finger then go fishing or bowling. That'll fix 'em.......
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