Whether anyone wants to admit it, there has been a war on men and manliness since the "cultural revolution" of the 1960's. The feminist movement had, and still has, its male supporters who declare that a woman can do anything a man can do and possibly better. In so proclaiming a woman's demonstratively superior position in the evolutionary chain, men became wary of their own manliness and elected to "get in touch with their feelings" instead.
Before we delve into the dissolution of men and their manhood, it is important to look at causation. The elevation of women as the superior gender notwithstanding, leftists began questioning societal norms when it came to manliness and manhood. As the counter-culture pushed their feminist mantra, the breakdown of the American family took root and generations of young boys were left without fathers to teach them how to be men.
In most cultures, becoming a man is a rite of passage. There is an age or an act that denotes a boy's movement from adolescence to manhood. Unfortunately, America (and other "developed" nations) has lost sight of helping its young boys become men. We have given into the precept that boys can be girls and girls can be boys.
Newsflash: our biology is NOT interchangeable.
I was prompted to pen this entry after reading an op-ed in the Failing New York Times. You can read it for yourself here, but rest assured, the premise was a simple one: boy's feelings have been suppressed, hence boys going on shooting rampages.
To say I was disappointed in the article is a misnomer. There was no data to support the author's position on the topic, but there is plenty of evidence to support mine. The breakdown of the American family has created a vacuum that is sucking the life out of future men. When lines are blurred between men and women in the family unit, what do we expect to happen?
Our society has pushed the ridiculous notion that we "need" gender neutral restrooms and that it is okay for boys to wear dresses and makeup. This abnormal behavior flies in the face of millions of years worth of evolutionary factors. Besides that, what lady wants to envy her husband's dress? I digress...
Before someone jumps on the "Howard's a misogynist" bandwagon, let me assure you that I'm not. I have daughters and encourage them to be the best they can be in everything they do or desire to do. They are all very smart and compassionate young ladies, and they each have a working knowledge of biology. We don't all trade the same political capital, but that's okay. I am happy they are all individual thinkers and do not fall into the dangerous abyss of group think.
If we continue down the path of gender neutrality, we can all expect, and should expect, a violent outcome. To do so defies nature. We, men and women, are wired differently. The hunter/gatherer/protector and the nurturer are not the same. Men and women marry, live with one another, co-habitate, or whatever you like to call it, because we need each other in order to complete the circle of life.
Take heed, please! Do not squash a boy's desire to do what has been seen traditionally as "boy stuff." Those things enable the youngster to become a productive member of society, and equally I would argue, a better man.
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