Regardless of how you feel about any candidate, getting involved in the political process is exhilarating and informative. Make no mistake, my political motivation is of the extreme conservative nature. I like to think of myself as a Constitutionalist--and sometimes that it makes my life difficult when people say and do things I disagree with, but fall within those God-given rights penned by our Founding Fathers. I do not think, no, I know, The Constitution is a "living document" as liberals espouse; it is as it is written--the basis of our system of law and order.
Sunday, November 4th, 2018, I bore witness to the right to peacefully assemble. That's the First Amendment if you're keeping score. Tens of thousands of like-minded individuals held closely to that right and came together from near and far to hear the forty-fifth President of the United States speak. Forget the hyperbole, the political inferences, or even the fact that we are all about to head to the polls to exercise our right to vote and elect our public officials. What I would like for you all to understand is how this event transpired as I saw it, and to share in some of my experiences.

So, we met and bussed to Macon, Georgia. Fifteen of us to be exact. Of the fifteen, three were former New Yorkers, and two were black. We also had with us a Hispanic couple. You cannot imagine my exuberance!
We made the two hour trip and got in line around 11:00 AM. The event began at 4:00 PM, but already the vendors and visitors were lined up and ready! Once the gates opened at 1:00 PM, thousands of people of all races and nationalities began drifting inside. Let me restate that: people of all races and nationalities began drifting inside.
The good news was we arrived early enough to find a spot approximately thirty feet from the President gubernatorial candidate Kemp. Thousands upon thousands of people continued to funnel in until a spectacula
r portion of the tarmac was covered. The bad news? We could not leave to use the restroom for fear of losing our spots. Ah well, you win some, you lose some!
Music played, politicians spoke, and people cheered and cajoled on cue. We laughed and had a great time listening to President Trump, and aside from the multitude of races present, I would like to share something even more exciting: the place was covered with Millennials and Generation Z'ers! Not only were they payin

I want to stop here to make a point: what we witnessed with President Trump's election was nothing short of miraculous and revolutionary. In my opinion, he is the greatest President of my lifetime, and I am a Ronald Regan fanatic. He says what he means, and he means what he says. And the greatest part of this refreshing leader? People from all walks of life are waking up and listening!
Get out and vote, America!

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