Sunday, August 12, 2012

2016 (warning: politically motivated post)

Having recently returned from a local movie theater featuring the documentary 2016: Obama's America, I cannot stress enough the importance placed upon every American to see this film.  Describing and detailing who Barrack Hussein Obama truly is as a man, a person and a president, this eye-opening documentary will leave you scared and cringing in your seat.  Without giving away too much of the film, I would like to point out a few things instrumental in Obama's desire to move the United States of America into financial ruin and moral decay:

  • Obama's father, BHO, Sr. and his mother were both anti-colonialization patriarchs.
  • Obama's idea of America is we are ALL part of the 1 percent he so much detests (even our poor are rich by third world standards).  As a result, he wants to displace money and power from America to developing nations.
  • Because he never had his biological father in his life, he idealized and idolized his dad in his own mind.  Wanting to make his dad proud, post-mortem, he continues down the path of destroying the United States from the inside out. 
  • He delays drilling for oil domestically but sends millions of tax payer dollars overseas to drill for their oil, thereby forcing oil/gas prices up domestically and simultaneously driving up unemployment in the private sector.
  • He's removing America's nuclear position in the world yet takes no action against Iran's ambition to secure nuclear weapons.
  • He supported Egypt and Libya's violent Arab Spring overthrow of government, but took no action against Syria's revolt that has seen massive genocide on a monumental level.
I invite each American to go see this movie and decide for yourself if the direction Barrack Hussein America is taking our country is the right one.

I must admit a high degree of nervousness about the upcoming election and hope everyone makes an informed decision before casting a vote.  Click here for more information------>2016: Obama's America

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