Friday, December 27, 2013

A Dream Less Deferred

As a few of you know I'm an aspiring writer.  I've been published a few times in some fairly popular mainstream magazines, but my real dream is to write a novel and have it brought to print.  I can't begin to explain my drive or motive for doing's not money or fame; after all, those two things are simply byproducts and fleeting at best. 

Perhaps it has more to do with my passion for expressing myself.  Certainly, if I were musically inclined I'd pursue that interest.  Music, for me at least, is something I've always been enamored with but unable to really "do."  Writing is at least a vehicle for articulating thoughts or dreams in a way that others might appreciate. 

I've been working on a manuscript for a little while now.  The storyline and theme are truly taking shape and I get more and more excited as I write.  Will it be accepted for publication when the time comes for me to submit it?  I have no idea.  What I do know is that Stephen King's first novel, Carrie, was reportedly rejected 150 times before getting picked up by a publishing house.  Now, I don't claim to have one tenth the artistic and writing capabilities of Mr. King, but his personal story at least offers some inspiration to a guy trying to follow in his footsteps. 

Over the past few months I've received some wonderful help and feedback from several people.  My wife Cathy has read a significant portion of what I've written and is excited about it.  For those who know her, you understand that she can be a tough critic, so her positive attitude has been instrumental in my continued push to finish the story.

My friend Thomas has provided some great direction for my protagonist.  As one who has spent a lot of time "over there," his help has been tantamount while I trudge through the mush and mud that are my thoughts.

Kevin has lent a large portion of himself in my protagonist's character development.  Our discussions have been full of insight and laughter and I appreciate everything he's done thus far, and what he continues to do in offering feedback and guidance.

Gary has been a huge motivation for me!  He told me over dinner a few months ago, and has reiterated to me on more than a few occasions, that "writing is re-writing."  I didn't fully understand what he meant by that statement until I began some moderate self-editing.  Several times I found myself asking, "Did I really write this crap?"  Yes, his advice has been spot on. 

But, as I began in this small post, I can't put my finger on why I continue to write and the motivation that has kept me focused on my manuscript for some time now.  Like I said, having a book published is a dream, so I guess that explanation will have to suffice for now until I figure out a way to better articulate it for those who might be interested.  For now, I'll offer only a short poem by Langston Hughes........his thoughts are my thoughts, better served by a man who understood drive and passion.......and expressed them in a beautifully succinct fashion.


By Langston Hughes 1902–1967 


What happens to a dream deferred?

      Does it dry up
      like a raisin in the sun?
      Or fester like a sore—
      And then run?
      Does it stink like rotten meat?
      Or crust and sugar over—
      like a syrupy sweet?

      Maybe it just sags
      like a heavy load.

      Or does it explode?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Weighing In on Recent Events

All of the noise surrounding the recent events about a reality show on the Arts and Entertainment Network are worth discussing and evaluating.  Most who know me understand that my political slant is pretty conservative.  I think the rule of law trumps most, but common sense trumps all.  I try, most days, to live by Christian values and these values mean forgiveness and love.

As we are all now aware, A&E Network suspended Phil Robertson for stating what he defined as sin in an article written in GQ Magazine.  The U.S. media has created a circus around this issue and many have taken sides--one, pro-Phil, the other pro-A&E's decision.  Many found Phil's comments to be bigoted and vile, others believed he was simply stating his Christian beliefs.

Here's my take on the issue.  I'm a First Amendment man.  In fact, I'm a Constitutional man.  I'm a business man.  I'm a man who loves his family and friends.  I'm a church going man.  So, how do I reconcile the A&E/Phil Robertson issue in my own mind?  It's really pretty easy for me.

A&E made a business decision and I stand by their right to do so.  Yes, I said it.  I stand by A&E's decision to suspend Phil Robertson for making remarks they found controversial that could potentially effect their viewer ratings.  I stand by Phil Robertson's right to state his opinion on a subject (by the way, the question didn't have anything to do with homosexuality or race, it had everything to do with what Phil defined as 'sin').  As a consumer, I stand by my right to not watch A&E again.  That's called free market, and I love it.

Now, many will take that statement as one that supports Robertson and his position.  Before I delve into that, let me say that he wasn't comparing or equating homosexuality with bestiality, although many were quick to say he did.  He was defining, in his mind, what sin is. 

Personally, I think A&E could have handled this situation much differently.  They could have put out a statement stating they did not agree with Phil Robertson and his position, but respect his right to state his personal beliefs in a magazine article.  Instead, A&E caved to a special interest group that pressured them into their knee jerk reaction.  I disagree with what they did, but stand by their business decision.  Does that make sense? 

Now, let me tackle the whole homosexuality/sin nonsense.  This may come as a shock to many of my friends and family, but I'm going to say it anyway.  The Christian Bible is comprised of many books and is divided into two distinct sections.  The two sections are what separate us, in part, from Jews and Muslims.  The Old Testament defines many things that God frowned upon when dealing with his creation: mankind.  Original sin, murder, incest, homosexuality, bestiality, idolatry, etc., were listed as things God didn't want and smote individuals and cities accordingly if they broke his laws. 

Enter Christ and the New Testament and significant controversy abounds!  Christ preached love and forgiveness.  He preached tolerance.  His rhetoric was so intense that many times he spoke in parables because 'Godly' speech probably would have confused his flock. 

I don't feel like I have to forgive homosexuals.  Why would I?  What have they done to me?  (Well, there was that one guy who came onto me my freshman year of college....and it kind of wigged me out, but that's another story for another time.)  I have friends and family who are homosexual.  They're very good people.  They're very nice people.  I love them all, no differently than my heterosexual friends and family.  While I don't purport to understand homosexuality, I'm not going to hate people who are.  It's just not in my heart.  I may make fun of a guy prancing around in tights with Mardi Gras beads around his neck during a gay pride parade in New York City, but you know what?  I make fun of straight people doing ridiculous things too. 

So, folks, that's my take on the whole thing.  I love Duck Dynasty and support Phil's right to state his beliefs.  I support A&E's right to make a business decision (even though I think it was the wrong one) and I support a person's right to love any way they want. 
You have a right to disagree with me and that's okay.  I won't be mad at you either way. 

Have a Merry Christmas everyone....and a prosperous, healthy and happy New Year.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I Celebrate Christmas

In a world gone awry, Christmas continues to be a constant reminder of hope.  We live in a time of apologists; we apologize for being American, for our race, for our gender and for our religion.  I peer into the future and fear for what may become of our once great nation.  When did it become offensive to tell someone "Merry Christmas?"  When did retailers decide their profits could still be had even if they posted "Happy Holidays?"

Whether you recognize Christ as Savior is irrelevant to me.  What matters is that America panders to those who would disagree with the majority--yes, Christians are still the majority here in the States.  Personally, if you celebrate Ramadan, Hanukah or Happy Buddhist Day that's your prerogative and I don't care.  But your chosen religion DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT to demand a removal of Christian signage or verbiage because you simply disagree with it. 

It's almost humorous to hear those who proclaim no religion at all to tell us how "spiritual" they are.  What they really are is intolerant and bigoted.  I suspect they, those who don't like the Christmas tradition and everything it represents, are really jealous that many have faith in something much larger than the human condition.  I merely ask: what's wrong with that?

People can point to church organizations whose leaders are sometimes miscreants and steal money or commit a crime, but the teachings told us in the Bible have nothing to do with those individuals.  Humans are humans and fall far from perfection each day, but that should have no bearing on what the Gospels preach.

Lastly, if I should say Merry Christmas to you in passing, don't be offended.  Just smile and say "thank you."  I didn't intend it as an insult but if you take it as one, then understand....I won't apologize.  :)

Social Media and Censorship

 If 2020 has taught us anything it is the power of popular opinion can sway most anyone into doing things and taking action when they should...