Saturday, May 5, 2012


Our country is overly sensitive don't you think?  There are certain things that are simply taboo to say and advocates and lobbyists run amok to make some words or phrases actually illegal.  Many discuss inclusivity and the need to have a diverse work force or neighborhood so we can all broaden our horizons and not be so narrow minded or ignorant of other cultures.  Personally, I think if you embrace other's differences you are acknowledging their cultures and racial idiosyncrasies.  By understanding differences you oftentimes wind up stereotyping people, right?

Now, I am an advocate of some stereotyping; there are things in all races and cultures that ring true on greater average than not. 

Some examples:

  • Black folks don't like ghosts
  • Mexican folks like jalapenos
  • Asian folks are exceptionally smart but struggle to be innovative
  • Indian (from India) folks own gas stations and hotels
  • White folks can't dance
It's the last of my bullet points that is the focus of this post.  If you follow me on Facebook, you know I got a little perturbed by a weight challenged guy (notice how sensitive I am?) who insisted on trying to dance with a white lady who, like her large "partner," lacked the ability to keep rhythm with the band and move past the hair slinging thing of heavy metal concert goers, while we were attending a concert at a downtown Chicago club.  Both seemingly were in their forties.

So everyone doesn't think I just want to focus on the fat guy and drunk ho, I would like to assure you faithful reader, that my wife and I had some really good laughs at the other white folks who had gotten up to shake their stuff.

As a well traveled, culturally sensitive white guy, I can attest to the inability of white folks-generally speaking-to dance.  I would also like to explore why I THINK this stereotype is true, which would actually serve to eliminate the stereotype and simply be accepted as fact, or at least it should.

Tribal Africans often came together, and still do, in their villages to dance and sing during rituals.  Over generations the ability to dance became entrenched in their DNA.  Asian folks have an uncanny ability to keep time and dance due to their indescribable math skills.  Music is nothing more than melodic math, so this makes sense to me.  Latinos have always had an attachment to music and have numerous generations of dance and singing practice; therefore, they too are at a distinct advantage in the dancing department.

White people created weapons and boats to go kill other people.  We were very efficient at killing other people, but never really had dancing parties before we went to kill people so we never really learned how to dance and keep time.  We just knew how to travel to foreign lands, meet exotic people and kill them.

How do we catch up to the other races, white folks, so we are no longer the target of jokes and hurtful puns?  We must practice our dancing in private for many, many generations, thus assuring we have future offspring capable of holding their own on the dance floor.  Dancing, and more importantly keeping time, should eventually become ingrained in future generation's DNA.

Until that time white folks, please refrain from dancing in public.  You're killing me.


  1. Ballet has been pretty heavily dominated by white folks over the last few centuries... I'm just saying I can keep in time with the music to jete on time

  2. I'm talking about regular dancing....not the choreographed white folk dancing stuff. Ballet was created by white people for white people because we can't keep time with current music. How else do you explain dancing to music written a couple hundred years ago?

    And what is jete? It sounds kinda gross. lol

  3. I completely agree with you, for the most part us white folks can not dance. Ill tell you what though i have a great time pretending i know what im doing. :-)


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