Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'm just too tired to complain

Some days I'm still amazed at the shear lunacy associated with individuals.  Quite often those identified as exceptional don't live up to their billing, but politics being what they are, they (the exceptional ones) are placed on pedestals.

Now, I could give some specific examples, but I'm really not interested in airing dirty laundry in a public forum, and typically if I complain about certain things my poor wife owns the ear I bend.  But there are days, like today, when I'm simply too tired to complain.  My feet hurt, my head hurts, I'm stressed out and at my wit's end.

The good part of this though.....those that I work with on a day-to-day basis make me laugh and are generally fun to be around.  I'm fortunate to be associated with such a diverse group of people from all walks of life, from all areas of the country and world who work hard, and as discouraged as they sometimes become, keep plugging along because they just want to do a good job.

But I'm tired and this week has worn me down.  My giggle box is running on "e" and needs to be replenished.  I'm finding less humor in people, but as I sit here at home I realize it's not the people I'm around that I'm finding less humor in--it's me.  I'm the problem right now and I need to fix it; however, I doubt I'm going to be able to fix it this week or next.....there's just too much stress associated with what I'm doing right now.

But come next Friday....this little steam engine will have a different outlook on life.

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