Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm still a guy

I heard a country song on the radio today entitled I'm Still a Guy by Brad Paisley.  I've heard this little diddy a few times over the past few weeks and I really like the tune, but today I paid a little more attention to the lyrics.  Brother Brad discusses pertinent issues such as some guys getting manicures, plucking their eyebrows and having botox injections.  He goes on to let everyone know he ain't that kind of guy; rather, Brad is a gun toting, fishing, hunting, pick up truck driving sort of fella those of his generation always wanted to be.

With that told, I would like to share a recent guy story, because you know.....I'm still a guy.

The wife and my two step daughters were at the house the other evening, standing in the kitchen and talking about whatever it is women talk about.  I caught bits and pieces of the conversation--things like fingernail polish, boyfriends and cooking--not things that typically catch my attention.

Being Asian (and yes, I'm stereotyping here, but it's true) they are all pretty musically inclined, especially the two girls.  Their conversation shifted to music, although I can't state with any certainty what musical topic they were discussing.  What is important, however, is what I interjected into the topic at hand.  And it went a little something like this......

(I felt a rumble down deep in my bowels and understood time was of the essence)

Me: Hey, I can fart the theme to Star Wars.

The three females: *blank stares*

Me: No, seriously.  I can fart the theme to Star Wars.  Wanna hear?

Amanda: Yeah, I want to hear!

Me: *bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttpppppphhhhhhhhhhhhh*  (insert loud fart sound)

The three females: *looks of horror*

Me: I only know the first note.

Cause I'm still a guy.......

1 comment:

  1. It takes considerable literary finesse to build an entire blog post around a single fart joke. I'll let you know how it goes when I get to pull that on over on my hubby :-)


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